Aloha! Kona, 2014, Ironman World Championship for the sixth time in a row. Andy has arrived on the Big Island. "Nothing changed since I came here for the first time in 2009," told Andy in a first phone call from Kona. "When you jump out off the aircraft and you get to see all the people with the Lei greetings, you know, you're in Kona - and it's getting intense from now on. You can already feel the heat and the humidity a few moments after your arrival at the airport." Together with Micha, Andy has been in a training camp in Florida the two weeks before. So he got a little bit used to the heat, although they had some rain in Florida as well. It's was a huge help for Andy that it has been a - more or less - short flight from Florida to the Big Island instead of flying the whole way from Europe to Kona. The training camp in Clermont with Micha, Nils Frommhold, Christian Brader and Boris Stein brought up some good results, a first nice touch of a Hawaiian atmosphere and - thanks to our coach Wolfram Bott – as well a couple of hard days. "After those two weeks and my camp at Fuerteventura before I feel prepared for the next days," says Andy. An interesting week in Kona will come up for the Raelert-Brothers, they look forward to sharing those moments with you.
Aloha! Kona, 2014, Ironman World Championship for the sixth time in a row. Andy has arrived on the Big Island. "Nothing ...